Market Spotlight: RBOB Gasoline StoneX Financial Inc, Daniels Trading Division

Due to gasoline’s widespread use, it has come under fire for numerous health and environmental concerns over the last few decades. From a health standpoint, the fuel stores numerous carcinogenic chemicals, and can be a danger to the general public if a leak were ever to occur. This means that storage tanks, delivery trucks, and refining plants present the most dangerous threats of the chemical being released into the environment. Aside from its health hazards, gasoline has also long been under the gun for contributing to greenhouse gases and global climate change. An important factor to understand about gasoline is its octane rating. Internal combustion engines, like those found in automobiles, burn fuel in controlled processes.

  1. End-of-Day prices are updated at 8pm CST each evening, and includes the previous session volume and open interest information.
  2. The Last Trading Day for the January 2014 RBOB futures contract is December 31, for example.
  3. The Middle East used to have a stranglehold on the top ten producers worldwide, but the U.S. recently surpassed the region’s output.
  4. Overnight (Globex) prices are shown on the page through to 7pm CT, after which time it will list only trading activity for the next day.

The higher the octane rating, the higher the compression rate, with a more efficient fuel capable of a higher output than those with a lower octane rating. This is the reason why some cars accept only certain kinds of fuel, and why there are price discrepancies among various gas options at the pump [see also Three Mining Companies With Robust Yields]. forex broker listings Brent crude oil is one of several types of light sweet crude oil that serves as the global benchmark for crude oil. Brent is described as light because of its relatively low density, and sweet because of its low sulfur content. Brent Crude is extracted from the North Sea and comprises Brent Blend, Forties Blend, Oseberg and Ekofisk crudes.

Gasoline Basics

Skill and discipline are two traits that carry over from the pitch to the trading screens. Before I forget, there is the blending-stock cousin, bitit review CARBOB, a special RBOB formula mandated by the state of California. Well, let me introduce you to the two of them (and their cousin).

The Elements of a RBOB Contract

Friday’s better-than-expected US payroll report signals strength in the economy that supports energy demand and crude prices. US Mar nonfarm payrolls rose +303,000, stronger than expectations of +214,000 and the biggest increase in 10 months. Trading swaps and over-the-counter derivatives, exchange-traded derivatives and options and securities involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors. The information herein is not a recommendation to trade nor investment research or an offer to buy or sell any derivative or security. You are advised to perform an independent investigation of any transaction to determine whether any transaction is suitable for you. No part of this material may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means or redistributed without the prior written consent of StoneX Group Inc.

As mentioned above, gasoline is a natural by-product of crude oil. For every three barrels of crude oil refined, approximately two barrels of gasoline can be salvaged. Refining this essential fuel can be done in a variety of ways, with the most popular being forms of “cracking”. Cracking is a process octafx review whereby hydrocarbon molecules are broken up by heat and pressure into lighter molecules. There are various forms of this process, including thermal cracking (the most popular) and catalytic cracking. Other production/refining methods include polymerization, alkylation, and isomerization.

RBOB Gasoline Supply and Demand

This can be accomplished by multiplying RBOB gasoline by 42, which converts the cents per gallon quote into a US dollars per barrel quote. You can then subtract the price of Brent crude oil from the price of RBOB gasoline to derive the crack spread. Another very actively traded crude oil is WTI (West Texas Intermediate). This is another light sweet crude oil that is used in the refining process to create gasoline. WTI is the US benchmark and since the US is the largest consumer of gasoline world-wide, WTI is an actively traded crude oil benchmark. The role of the refiner should not be underestimated as it allows crude products to be altered into a consumable good such as gasoline, diesel fuel or jet fuel.

His responsibilities as a broker include providing market analysis, trade execution, and money management to his clients around the world. In March 2010, he developed a formal trade advisory for clients of the firm seeking specific trade recommendations and subsequent risk management. The chart above shows the weekly average import volume, in thousands of barrels, of RBOB (with special blending components for blending with ethanol) into the PADD 1—Northeast area. Do you notice that there are no imports prior to the middle of 2004? At this point, the gasoline that comes out of the refinery is not a finished product. In the technical language of the industry, it is a blending component, or a blendstock.

If the price of gas drops below $2.30, you would sell the futures at a loss but save money at the pump. SXM’s products are designed only for individuals or firms who qualify under CFTC rules as an ‘Eligible Contract Participant’ (“ECP”) and who have been accepted as customers of SXM. StoneX Financial Inc. (“SFI”) is a member of FINRA/NFA/SIPC and registered with the MSRB. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as a Broker-Dealer and with the CFTC as a Futures Commission Merchant and Commodity Trading Adviser.

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